Nelson Jombo back with Espionage...
Nelson Jombo is out with a suspense-packed and thrilling movie titled, Espionage. Espionage is an action packed spy flick complimented with top-notch acting. The cast includes; Alex Ekubo, Uru Eke, Kenneth Okoli, Laurel Je amongst others. The movie was directed by ace director Uzee Madubugwu. Espionage is the story of Grace (Uru Eke), the best undercover agent at JFCC because she gets the mission done. Now she is going under cover again as a writer for 2 wealthy brothers (Alex Ekubo and Kenneth Okoli) involved in cyber-crime, money laundering and murder. In the midst of the operation, she gets intimate with one of the brothers and this might turn out to be her greatest undoing. Will her feelings for one of the brothers cloud her judgement? Will Grace use this new found intimacy to get her mission accomplished? These are some of the questions that will be answered as the movie hits cinemas across the nation. According to Uzee Madubugwu, the film’s director, Espionage i...